Friday, February 28, 2020

Should violent images and language be censored or banned from national Essay

Should violent images and language be censored or banned from national media - Essay Example adays, parents have to sneak into the room every now and then to make sure that their innocent child is protected from the impacts of evil forces trying to reach their child through video games. This may also have a negative impact on the parent-child relationship in which the parent has to spy on the child. This may, for the least, inculcate curiosity in the child’s mind regarding the spying parent. In extreme circumstances, the child may become violent and abuse the parent and force him/her out of the room. Even if all the deleterious effects of incorporating sexuality and violence in the video games are overlooked, the fact that these factors are incorporated into the video games on the cost of their quality can not be ignored. Video game makers that do not have a nice strategy in mind for the plot or theme of the game may still have their product do good business in the market by making the audience attracted towards the violence or sexuality incorporated therein. In this sense, makers of such video games are essentially committing the crime of tarnishing the image of video games in the public’s eye. A vast majority of the proponents of violence and sexuality in video games suggest that access to such games should be allowed after a certain age limit. They emphasize that this is a useful way to prevent the minds of innocent children to go wild before they physically mature up. But this argument is totally flawed. Although it apparently seems an easy way to end the debate, yet anyone with the desire to curtail sexuality and violence in the video games can easily challenge this argument for several reasons. This is because of the fact that age restrictions when placed upon something play a fundamental role in making that thing a social taboo, and taboos often happen to be the biggest adventures for juveniles and adolescents to explore. The idea of placing age restrictions on the violent video games makes them all the more exciting and appealing for the

Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Personal statement Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 22

Personal Statement Example I am registered for an accounting course and I plan to continue with the area of specialization. My desire for a high-level competence and my long-term passion for accounting motivate my application for the transfer. My uncle, who was a chief accounting officer, inspired my dreams to pursue accounting because of his financial and social success that I desired to have. The stories that he told us about the profession and its associated social status captured my interest into the subject. I have therefore had the passion for accounting and this has contributed to my desire for the transfer, into better qualifications. Completing a four-year program will also offer me a better opportunity for advancing my studies in the field. Reputation that your institution has, its qualified academic staff, its resources for research, and its favorable environment for studies are my main reasons for applying for a transfer to the University. These will help me to complete the program within the stipulated period. My application for a transfer to your institution is based on both intrinsic and extrinsic motivational factors. This guarantees my success in the program, if granted the opportunity, and I look forward to your kind