Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Naughts and Crosses Essay Example

Naughts and Crosses Essay Tic Tac Toe Tic-Tac-Toe is a game in which you’re faced with a simple objective. It’s a game which has limited advancements and once it becomes familiar, the game is likely to end in a draw. No winner or loser! In a similar way, this novel is an illustration of the tic-tac-toe board as a society, in which your perceptions about people are dominated by prejudice and discrimination. At a glance, this novel may seem like a narration which cannot be correlated with an adolescent’s life but it impacts the reader’s perceptions on the prejudice which our society masks. Adolescence is a time when a person’s morals and opinions are formed and this novel can influence upon your judgements dramatically. Therefore it’s beyond question whether this book is suitable for year 10 students and the ReadPlus website. The relevance of this novel can also be justified through the valid themes and issues portrayed. Blackman has also conveyed a range of audacious personalities through the deep values and attitudes they embrace. The daring characterisation, the intense settings and the suspenseful turn of events captivates audience interest throughout the novel. Thus I believe that this novel is a suitable read for all adolescents. In today’s society, themes and issues showcased through various forms of media have an immense impact upon teenagers; however this novel has managed to influence teenagers in a positive way. To begin with, the novel focuses on a range of sensitive topics such as power and prejudice in a minimalistic yet powerful way. This is clearly illustrated when Sephy says, â€Å"Like, you’re in one place and I’m in another, with a huge, great wall between us. † (P. 26) This dialogue by Sephy highlights the racial wall which segregates their society. We will write a custom essay sample on Naughts and Crosses specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Naughts and Crosses specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Naughts and Crosses specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer In addition, alternate history has also been used to enhance audience interest. This novel has reversed the race-relations which occurred in history. Therefore, â€Å"Noughts and Crosses† can be separated from all other fictions which relate to prejudice and racism. Furthermore, Blackman has also managed to incorporate issues which are relevant to adolescents. These include teenage pregnancy and alcohol addiction. At present, these themes and issues are of significance to the intended audience; therefore I believe that this novel is an inspiring read for all adolescents. Audience engagement is ensured through the wide array of values and attitudes portrayed throughout the novel. The novel displays the racist and superior values of the Crosses through the poor treatment of the noughts. Their elite attitudes were illustrated during Callum’s first day of school. Together all the Crosses recited, â€Å"No blankers in our school! † (P. 54)This quotation highlights the racial hierarchy present in their society which is comparable to the white-dominant history we held. In contrast, the noughts display the values of freedom and equality. This is illustrated through the formation of the rebellion group which is fighting for justice. Lastly, the two protagonists show individuality and conformity through their actions, values and attitudes. For instance, Callum values equality and freedom he pursues this through his involvement in the rebellion group whereas Sephy is going against her society’s beliefs and practices through her association with someone of an inferior class. The values and attitudes portrayed in this novel are relatable to the teenage audience as social factors such as peer pressure and popularity usually influence our decisions. Hence, this novel is showcasing positive morals appropriate for year 10 students. The effective display of characterisation, setting and events will demand audience attention. The author’s descriptions are brief and the author tends to be direct rather than elaborative. The following narration is an example, â€Å"They were real good friends, no barriers, and no boundaries. †(P. ) This quote illustrates her brief and simple language usage. Nonetheless, her direct approach doesn’t compromise detail, especially when it comes to the setting. The entire plot is reliant upon the setting. The dystopian society which the author has created is totalitarian. This is showcased in the novel through the dictatorship style of government the society abides by. In a nutshell, the story describes the friend ship between the two protagonists. The events in the novel aspire to represent a deep relationship which is challenged by the racial divisions within the society. Consequently, this novel is relevant to the intended audience. On reflection, it’s undeniable that the book, â€Å"Noughts and Crosses† is a suitable read for all year 10 students. The novel will modify any stereotypical views which you may have held on racism as it reverses the two variables around. We all believe that justice and peace are the key to a society but are we still locked out within the brick walls of discrimination and prejudice or is that just letting our past define the present?

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