Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Origin Of Civil Society, And Jefferson s The...

The books we were reading was Rousseau’s â€Å"The Origin of Civil Society† and Jefferson’s â€Å"The Declaration of Independence† from World of Ideas book. The Declaration of Independence was very famous for almost three hundred years and they still kept the old faded document in the museum in New York. In here, the paper was an example of the beauty mind and intelligence words explaining that they no longer want to be part of King’s country (England). It refers to the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God entitling the people to assume any type of political independence. Rousseau argued in his book that society was born in a social contract. So the paper will summary up and discuss two authors and their works. In this book, Rousseau aims to discover why people gave up their liberty and how political authority became legitimate. In his case, sovereignty is vesting in the entire populace, who enter into the contract directly with one another. He explained, â€Å"The problem is to find a form of association which will defend and protect with the common force the person and goods of each associate, and in which each, while uniting himself with all, may still obey himself alone, and remains as free as before.† That was the fundamental problem which Social Contract provides the solution. Rousseau’s assumptions and beliefs of his era are society and the growth of social interdependence. He was from 1700, (1712-78) it was very different compared to our beliefs. We all knew who Thomas JeffersonShow MoreRelatedIndependence Of The Independent Constitution Today Is Great For All Of Us Essay1032 Words   |  5 PagesEssay: Independence Living in the Independent Constitution today is great for all of us. Independence Day is a representation of what the United Stated now is. The government and President work for the people not the other way around. The Civil Rights movement resulted in our modern change of rights for all races. 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